Language Milestones Books

  • Cognitive and Language Development Milestones Picture Book
    A day in the life of Josiah and his classmates, from morning activities to playtime, learning, snacks, recess, lunch, nap time, and dismissal.
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  • Johnny's First Day At School
    Follow Johnny's day full of fun activities designed to help him meet cognitive and language milestones.
  • Sammy's Day
    Creative story for ECE 332: Child Development with 4 cognitive and language milestones incorporated.
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  • Cognitive and Language Development Milestones
    This book provides information about cognitive and language milestones for infants from birth to 12 months, as well as a typical day for a four-month-old baby.
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  • Ruby's Lemonade Stand
    The dramatic play highlights of preschool-age children's cognitive, social, and language developmental milestones.
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  • Cognitive and Language Milestones in Toddlers
    A story about the language and cognitive milestones of toddlers, as well as their daily routine. It provides information and examples for each milestone.
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  • Cognitive & Language Development Milestones.
    This story provides milestones in cognitive and language development for children aged 4-8, along with a typical day for a child of that age.
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  • Cognitive and Language Development Milestones
    Follow Amari's growth and development from 4 months to 9 months, as she learns to recognize voices, play with toys, crawl, feed herself, and say words.
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