Language Teaching Books

  • Soleil & Luna
    Two sisters, Soleil and Luna, live in the sky. They count stars and planets in different languages, teaching readers to count in English, French, and Spanish.
  • DIY - Creative English Language Teaching
    This story is about e-safety rules while using the internet. It includes information about different schools and countries that are participating in an English language learn…
  • Super English Teacher
    Diego Duma, a 7th-grade student at Manuela Cañizares School, shares his aspiration to become an English teacher because of his love for children and teaching the language.
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    Technology is important in education, especially during the pandemic. This book is about an e-game book for English language teaching.
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  • The Butterfly and the Bee in the Garden
    A colorful butterfly and an agile bee teamed up to look for the missing honey. They persisted in their quest against the odds.
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  • Helen Keller
    The biography of Helen Keller, a deaf and blind woman who overcame adversity to become an educator, activist, and journalist.
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    Mrs. Bilgi teaches a lesson on Global English and the spread of English around the world, using various models and explanations. Students learn about the importance and advan…
  • The Wonderful Women of Hingham
    This book is a collection of stories about influential women in Hingham, written by Girl Scout Troop 62447. It highlights the contributions of various women, from school nurs…
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