Legislative Books

  • All About the Legislative Branch
    This book provides a clear and organized explanation of the structure and functions of the U.S. Congress, including the roles of senators and representatives, lawmaking proce…
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  • Three Branches Of Government
    An overview of the three branches of government in Texas and their roles.
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  • Exploring The Legislative Branch
    Sarah and Michael learn about the United States legislative branch, including the House of Representatives and the Senate.
  • The Legislative Branch ☺
    An overview of the legislative branch in the United States, including the House of Representatives and the Senate.
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  • The Legislative Branch
    Two friends from Los Angeles, Leisha and Jeffry, dream of becoming members of the House of Representatives. They run for office, win, and serve their terms, but face challeng…
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  • Legislative Branch
    An educational book explaining the process of how a bill becomes a law in the United States, including terms and concepts related to legislation.
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    An overview of the U.S. Congress, its structure, powers, and procedures.
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  • The Legislative Curious Puffin
    Little Puffin seeks help from Big Puffin to address the shortage of fish. Big Puffin advises Little Puffin to go to the Puffin Congress of Antarctica. Little Puffin meets Sen…
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