Life In The West Books

  • All about westward expansion
    A collection of short stories and informational texts about explorers, reasons for going west, ways to travel west, dangers of the journey, life in the west, and outlaws.
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  • Bubbles Big Surprise
    Bubbles the white friendly rabbit was enjoying life in Hawaii with Ms. Hinds and their many adventures together. His wish for a forever home had come true. He didn't think th…
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  • Life Without Food
    A book to inspire people to support Feed My Starving Children, an organization that sends food to hungry children all over the world.
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  • The Sacrifice
    Will Dhana and Kundan choose family over desire, or will their want for wealth take over?
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  • The Voyage to Africa
    A chicken, an elephant, and a gorilla stranded on an island build a boat to escape. They face challenges but eventually reach Africa.
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  • Country Overview: Palestine
    These are the notes of a young girl learning about Palestine and her Palestinian heritage.
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  • Artists Aspirations
    A collection of quotes from young artists about their inspirations, techniques, and aspirations in various art forms.
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