Longevity Books

  • F R I E N D S
    A heartfelt poem about the strength and longevity of friendship, emphasizing love, trust, and support.
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    A story about a birthday gift of a turtle, its disappearance, and eventual discovery underground. The narrator reflects on the turtle's longevity and hopes for future generat…
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    Works about Mediterranean Diet by the students of Class I A De Sanctis High School - Salerno (Italy).

    This work has been developed within the eTwinning Cultural Her…
  • Interview with Jeanne Kalman by Natalia Obraztsova Alexandra Semykina Ekaterina Gagarina Albina Kosty
    An interview with Jeanne Calment, the oldest person in recorded history, discussing her life, habits, and experiences.
  • From a Key to a Tree
    Since youth the cycle of the tree have been a wonder to me ...this story covers what I learned through living in the Seasons of Canada
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  • Katherine Johnson the brightest star among the stars
    This book tells the inspiring story of Katherine Johnson, an African American mathematician who made significant contributions to NASA's space program. It highlights her achi…
  • All About Siberian Husky
    An informational book about Siberian Huskies, covering their origin, appearance, behavior, and health. Includes a glossary and index.
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  • The Crab Without a Shell
    The children's book that informs kids on ocean acidification. A very interesting topic that has a huge impact on the longevity of the ocean.
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