Louisiana Purchase Books

  • Louisiana Purchase
    The story of the Louisiana Purchase, how it came about, and its impact on the United States.
  • The Louisiana Purchase
    A child asks their dad about the Louisiana Purchase, and the dad explains its history, impact, and significance.
  • The Adventures of Lewis and Clark
    The story of Lewis and Clark's expedition to explore the Louisiana Purchase, with the help of Sacagawea.
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  • The Louisiana Purchase
    President Thomas Jefferson's purchase of the Louisiana territory in 1803, despite initial opposition, is detailed.
  • The Louisiana Purchase
    The story discusses the history and significance of the Louisiana Purchase, including its impact on the United States.
  • The Louisiana purchase
    A brief overview of the Louisiana Purchase, Lewis and Clark's expedition, and their return to St. Louis.
  • The Louisiana Purchase
    The story is about the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark expedition to explore the newly acquired territory.
  • Exploring Math with Lewis and Clark
    The story of Lewis and Clark's expedition to explore the Louisiana Purchase, their challenges, discoveries, and achievements.
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