Mali Empire Books

  • Mansa Musa By: Ty Regan
    The story of Mansa Musa, the ruler of the Mali Empire, who became incredibly wealthy and generous, leaving a lasting impact on Africa.
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  • The Empire of Mali
    A brief history of the Mali Empire in West Africa, from its founding under Sundiata to its decline under Mahmud IV.
    by ckuo
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  • Mali
    A detailed exploration of Mali's geography, history, economy, people, and legends, including the story of Chi Wara.
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  • West Africa
    The story of Ancient Ghana and the Mali Empire, their wealth, trade, rulers, and influence on other civilizations.
  • Mansa Mulla
    This book provides a biography of Mansa Musa, the richest man in history, and his impact on the Mali Empire.
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  • Medieval Africa
    A tour of the Empire of Mali, including its location, industries, ruler, and important city.
  • 7th Grade World History
    A travel adventure through different subjects in social studies, including geography, government, economics, culture, religion, and history.
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  • Mansa Musa and Western African Kingdoms
    This story tells the history of Western Africa, focusing on the empires of Ghana, Mali, and Mansa Musa's pilgrimage to Mecca.
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