Manifest Destiny Books

  • Manifest Destiny
    A conversation between two characters about the history of Louisiana and its acquisitions, with some inaccuracies and errors.
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  • America's Manifest Destiny
    A brief overview of American history, including Manifest Destiny, the Oregon Trail, Texas independence, the Mexican-American War, and the California Gold Rush.
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    The story of the California Gold Rush, its impact on the development of boomtowns and the state of California, and its influence on Manifest Destiny.
    by FGC
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  • Penelope's Journey West
    Penelope and her family move from North Carolina to California during the Gold Rush. They experience boomtowns, panning for gold, vigilantes, and wealth.
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  • Lauren's Manifest Destiny Diary
    Lauren Dunn, a determined woman in the 1800s, embarks on a journey to explore the West and expand the territory of the United States.
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    A brief and disorganized overview of Manifest Destiny, the Oregon Trail, mountain men, the Battle of the Alamo, the Mexican-American War, and the California Gold Rush.
    A historical account of American expansionism and its impact on indigenous peoples, focusing on the Spanish-American War and US control over Cuba and the Philippines.
  • It Was My Manifest Destiny To...
    A curious individual finds a time-traveling device and embarks on an adventure through American history, from the Manifest Destiny era to the Gold Rush. The protagonist learn…
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