Marine Biomes Books

  • Oceanography: Marine Biome
    An informative book about the marine biome, covering its location, weather, plants, animals, and human impact. Encourages conservation.
    by zee1
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  • Wendy's Marine Biome Adventure
    Wendy explores the marine biome, discussing its diversity, zones, coral reefs, and size. Billy teases his next adventure on terrestrial biomes.
    Eye Icon 190
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  • Biomes
    An informative book that introduces different biomes on Earth, including tundra, forest, desert, marine, freshwater, and grasslands.
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  • coral reefs
    An informative text about coral reefs, their formation, location, biodiversity, and importance. It also discusses the threats they face.
  • The Ocean Failures
    Cooper wakes up to find the coast of North Carolina filled with trash. He goes on a boat ride, encounters a shark, and narrowly escapes. Inspired, he takes action to address …
  • Becca's Biome Adventure
    An informative book that introduces various biomes around the world, describing their characteristics, plants, animals, and climates.
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  • All About the Atlantic
    All about the Atlantic Ocean Biome! Learn about animal life, average temperature, weather, and more about this important ocean. Hope you enjoy my first book!
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  • Aquatic Biome Adventure
    A class learns about different aquatic biomes, including freshwater, marine, and intermediate, and their unique characteristics.
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