Mealtime Books

  • Betty and the Ink Machine
    A conversation between two siblings about their day and plans for the evening.
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  • Emma's day
    A day in the life of Emma, from waking up to going to bed.
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  • Lucky Duck
    Daph, a lucky duck, lives with his owner Dave and best friend Phlynn. He enjoys various activities and has a comfortable life.
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  • The Adventure to Superhero Land
    On Thanksgiving, Charlie and the narrator fall into a portal and end up in Superhero World. They have adventures, stay at a hi-tech hotel, and return home.
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  • Eating Around the World ECE341 2/1/16 Katherine Palichuk
    Explore different cultures and their mealtime customs through the stories of children from various countries.
  • about my dog
    A young narrator describes their experiences with their dog, Cooper, including training, bath time, mealtime mishaps, and outings. They express love for Cooper despite his qu…
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  • Matthew's Best Day Ever!
    Matthew's day from waking up to going to bed, including school activities and interactions with his mom.
  • Though a Type One diabetic cannot stop the onset of his or her disease, the related stigma influences outsiders to believe that diabetes is the diabetic’s fault. The negative…
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