Measuring Books

  • Jadie Flies Away The Misadventures of a Naughty Parrot
    Thanks for the great feedback. You can find my newest Jadie the Parrot books on
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  • The Magical Measuring Adventure
    In Mathville, a group of animals have a picnic and measure each other's heights, learning about uniqueness and acceptance.
  • Measuring the lenght of the tree
    The story is about a mission where international teams are formed to make measurements and calculations using a formula. It involves students from different countries.
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  • Chemistry in Anesthesiology
    Dr. Mary, an anesthesiologist, explains her role in surgery and the importance of accurate measuring using chemistry.
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  • Mario makes a Pizza for Luigi
    Mario goes to the store to get ingredients for a pizza. He follows a recipe and makes the dough, shapes it, adds toppings, and bakes it with Luigi.
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  • Measuring the Great Outdoors
    Mrs. Dover assigns her class a task to measure objects in the woods and create a line plot. The students complete the assignment successfully and receive lollipops as a rewar…
  • How to Rule Measurements
    A brief introduction to four measuring tools: ruler, yardstick, measuring tape, and meter stick, with examples of their uses.
    A retelling of Cinderella with a focus on the importance of time. Includes a lesson on reading clocks and measuring time.
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