Medical Research Books

  • Getting to Know Cancer
    This book explains what cancer is, how it spreads, and how it can be treated. It also provides tips to reduce the risk of cancer and support someone with cancer.
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  • Millie Hughes- Fulford : A Trip To Space
    The story of Millie Hughes-Fulford, a scientist and astronaut who made significant contributions to the field of biomedical research.
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  • Thank you, HeLa!
    This book tells the story of Henrietta Lacks, whose special cells were used for medical research. It explains how her cells were unique and their impact on medicine.
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  • Finny and the Coral Reef
    Finny and the Coral Reef is a wordless picture book that follows the life of a fish who must face the destruction of his home.
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  • Though a Type One diabetic cannot stop the onset of his or her disease, the related stigma influences outsiders to believe that diabetes is the diabetic’s fault. The negative…
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  • A Woman's Place is in the Lab An Adventure Through the History of Women in STEM
    Gemma, a smart girl who loves science, dreams of being like famous women in STEM. The story highlights their achievements and encourages readers to be the next trailblazers.
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  • Henrietta Lacks The Lasting Impact of a young African American Woman
    The story of Henrietta Lacks, an African American woman whose cells were taken without consent and became the basis for groundbreaking medical research.
  • All about Guinea Pigs
    If you are going to get a guinea pig this is the book for you
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