Medicinal Losses Books

  • Rain Forest Deforestation
    This informative book discusses the impact of deforestation on rainforests, including global warming, medicinal losses, and species extinction.
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  • Sustainability lessons from history
    This book explores historical mistakes in sustainability and how past knowledge can inform modern practices to protect the environment and promote social justice.
  • Clevard the Spy
    People.kjadfkljashdlfjh asdjfhaskljdfh asdkjlfhasdkljfh asdjkfhasdjkfhfh dlkjfh sdlfkghsdkljgh sldkjghsldg lsdkjgh lsdkjgh lsdkjh glksdjgh sdkl
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  • Erasmus+ KA220 Forest Fire Prevention in the 3rd Senior High School of kavala, Greece
    Six European schools collaborate on a project to prevent forest fires, focusing on environmental awareness and active citizenship through various educational activities and i…
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