Minoans Books

  • Seafaring Traders
    This book provides a brief overview of the Minoans, Phoenicians, and ancient trade routes, highlighting their achievements and connections.
  • Seafaring Traders
    The story discusses the peaceful Minoans, King Minos and the Minotaur, the rise of the Phoenicians, their trade routes, shipbuilding skills, and ancient trade.
  • Seafaring Traders
    The story introduces the Minoan civilization in Crete, their trade, religious practices, and eventual destruction. It also mentions the arrival of the Phoenicians and their a…
  • Chapter 3, Section 3
    The story explores the trade activities of the Minoans and Phoenicians in the Mediterranean, highlighting their cultural advancements and trading practices.
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  • The History Behind Ancient Greece
    A girl named Alice learns about Ancient Greece by reading books at the library, covering topics such as government, people/leaders, art/architecture, literature, and science/…
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  • Etwinnafairy
    A fairy named Twinnafairy travels to different places in Europe, starting with Crete and then Skopje, Macedonia.
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  • Seafaring Trader
    This story discusses the Minoans and Phoenicians, their trade dominance in the Mediterranean, and their cultural contributions.
  • Chapter 3 Section 3
    This book explores the trade and civilization of the Minoans and Phoenicians, as well as ancient trade routes.
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