Missing Parents Books

  • Where do Parents go? a Children’s story book about loss..
    Lily, a young girl in Meadowville, embarks on a journey to find her missing parents and discovers their love remains with her.
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  • Trash Mountain
    A fun poem that teaches kids to think about over-consumption and recycling.
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  • The Mystery of the Missing Watch
    Violet, a young girl, solves the mystery of her teacher's missing watch by interviewing her classmates and discovering that Elizabeth accidentally took it home. Inspired, Vio…
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  • Rose's Gift
    This is a story about a young girl, by a young girl, to inspire a world of young girls.
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    'Girl, the party is awesome! Everyone is having fun!' screamed my best friend Sarah at our party. Suddenly, the police arrived and informed me that my parents were missing. D…
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  • Becoming A Family
    Chris and Emily, a loving couple, adopt a baby girl named Sienna. They create a nursery, receive support from friends and family, and promise to love and care for her.
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  • The day we became a Family
    Renee, feeling like something was missing, becomes a foster parent and finds Amylah, who becomes her forever daughter.
  • The Three Princesses
    This book is about 3 princesses who go on an adventure to find their missing parents [the king and queen]
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