Mixtures Books

  • A Tea Party of Mixtures and Solutions
    The animals on Mr. Goober's farm plan a party, each bringing a different mixture or solution. They enjoy their tea party in the end.
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  • The Rock Cycle
    Peter explains the rock cycle, describing how rocks change from one type to another through natural processes like heat, cooling, and erosion.
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  • Stefania and Emma making blueberries popsicles
    Two cooks make blueberry popsicles and share the recipe. They add various ingredients, freeze the mixture, and enjoy the popsicles the next day.
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  • Hayley Bohannon
    Hayley teaches about matter, elements, mixtures, physical and chemical changes through examples found in her house.
  • A mixture of things!!
    A collection of poems that encourage positive change, self-empowerment, and perseverance.
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  • My Holiday Themed Cookbook
    A collection of recipes for various holidays, with instructions on how to double or halve the ingredients. Includes recipes for gingerbread houses, chocolate cake, apple pie,…
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  • Steve the Red Blood Cell
    A red blood cell named Steve explains the pathway through the human body, from the heart to the lungs and back.
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  • Welcome to ShMooBerrieZ Kitchen
    This is my very first of many books. I am determined to get our babies whipping, flipping and feeling confident in the kitchen. Food is meant to bring us together so, let's s…
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