Mohawk Tribe Books

  • Native Americans: Mohawk Tribe
    A description of the Mohawk tribe, their land, tools, food, house, customs, and language.
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  • The Boston Tea Party
    This book is about the Boston Tea Party that happened on December 16, 1773.
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  • My family visits around the Iroquois and Tuscarora tribes.
    Genesee travels to visit relatives from different tribes, learning about their experiences with settlers and the challenges they face, while reflecting on the gifts and dange…
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  • Iroquois Confederacy
    A brief overview of the Iroquois tribe, their decision-making process, lifestyle, and culture.
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  • Unit Three
    A brief overview of key events and figures in the American Revolution, with some spelling and grammar errors.
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  • ABC's of United States History
    An alphabetical list of important historical events, people, and concepts in American history, from Articles of Confederation to Zenger Trial.
  • American Expansion
    A historical account of American expansion and its impact on Native Americans, including conflicts, acquisitions, and the building of the Transcontinental Railroad.
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  • Deeper than Skin
    James meets children from different cultures during a trip to the city fair. He learns about their traditions and realizes that despite their differences, they can be friends.
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