Mongolian Empire Books

  • Mongolian empire By Ardakh
    A brief introduction to the history of Great Mongolia and the conquest of Baghdad
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  • The Mongols
    A brief history of the Mongols, from their formation to their decline and impact on Europe and Muslim history.
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  • Story of Genghis Khan: Told by Genghis Khan
    The story of Genghis Khan, from his birth to his rise as the leader of the Mongolian Empire.
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  • Mongol China
    This book provides an overview of Kublai Khan's rule in China, including his conquests, cultural impact, and the decline of the Mongol Empire.
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  • The Truth Behind The World
    This book provides an overview of various world regions, their history, culture, and geography. It covers East Asia, South Asia, Southwest Asia, Africa, and more, with a focu…
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  • Yang's Mongolian Adventure
    A young boy named Yang gets separated from his family during a snowstorm near the Himalayas. He embarks on a journey to find them and encounters Genghis Khan, who helps reuni…
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    Joan of Arc and Genghis Khan, two brave warriors from different lands and times, meet by magic and share their knowledge, teaching each other the importance of unity and resp…
  • History of Japan
    A historical overview of Japan from ancient times to the present, highlighting key events and transitions.
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