Moral Integrity Books

  • My Character Sketch
    Matt Murdock, a lawyer by day and Daredevil by night, uses his heightened senses and martial arts skills to protect his city from harm.
  • 胡蝶 Hu Die
  • Things that makes you Perr-fect
    A short book about respect, integrity, and caring, with a few thoughts on each topic.
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    A project aimed at teaching moral values to children through various activities and methods, with a focus on developing 21st-century skills and positive behavior.
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  • Moral story about do not steal
    Twin sisters Fatima and Noora face a moral dilemma when Fatima starts stealing. With the help of their friend Mona, they learn the importance of honesty and integrity.
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  • THE BOYS WHO CRIED WOLFv by Angela anak peter 2112024020051 & Yuzie anak panyau 2112023070043
    A shepherd boy plays a trick on his village by pretending there's a wolf, but when a real wolf appears, no one believes him.
  • Transcendelist: Henry David Thoreau
    A brief overview of the life, beliefs, and philosophy of Henry David Thoreau, an American essayist, poet, and philosopher.
  • NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct
    The story discusses the moral and ethical responsibilities of those who work with young children, focusing on the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and its core values and sectio…
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