Multitasking Books

  • Making an app
    George, a tech-savvy kid, wants to create an app and change people's perception of Virtual Reality. He learns about apps and IOS.
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  • I am a superhero
    Janly, a superhero with the ability to fly, multitask, and change shape, helps the FBI on dangerous missions.
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  • Life of Brainy Tips to study smarter
    Brainy shares his studying tips, including learning in various ways, reviewing periodically, avoiding multitasking, and taking breaks.
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  • The Age of Technology
    Technology has revolutionized education, providing access to resources and facilitating multitasking. It has made learning and teaching easier.
  • Oh dad! Happy Fathers day!
    Father's day is coming soon, read this book to your dad on their special day!
    A reflection on the themes of love, loyalty, and family in the story 'Tuck Everlasting'.
  • My Beautiful Happy Family (Name chosen by children)
    Shaina introduces her family members and pet, describing their characteristics and roles in the family.
  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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