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A fairy tale about Queen Sarcomere and her daughters, Myosin and Tropomyosin, in the land of Myofibrillia. Jealousy, dragons, and a happy ending.

Lily learns from her mom, a nurse, about how muscles work and allow us to move. She shares her new knowledge with her friend George at the playground.

A fairy named Myosin saves Contractoville from the jealous Tropomyosin with the help of other fairies. The story also includes information about muscle contractions.
by RaKes

A myosin fiber explains the process of muscle contraction, including the role of myosin, actin, ATP, and calcium.
by 1001144

Myosin, a fibrous protein, shares its adventures of trying to unite with Actin and defeat Tropomyosin to create muscle contractions.
by Candice__

This book explains the organization and functions of cells and muscles in the human body, including their interactions with other systems.
by Zoe Edwards

This is a book about which foods are a good source of which vitamins and minerals, and how they work in the body.

A educational book about the different types of muscles and their functions, with a focus on skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles.
by 603659

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