Narwhals Books

  • Narwhals !
    A detailed description of narwhals, including their appearance, size, diet, habitat, and interesting facts.
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  • Nathaniel Norbert Narwhal Visits the Northern Lights
    The journey of Nathaniel and Nina to see the Northern Lights.
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  • The Lonely Narwhal
    Erin the narwhal and Charlie the turtle become unlikely friends when Charlie overcomes his fear of narwhals and helps Erin escape from a shark.
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  • Narwhals
    Learn about narwhals, the unicorn of the sea, their habitat, characteristics, and the threats they face due to climate change.
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    About Peffy the narwhal who passed the test to become a princess.
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  • How The Narwhal Came To Be
    A long time ago, unicorns controlled the sun. Humans captured them and used their horns as transport. The last unicorns became narwhals due to a mishap in Antarctica. Narwhal…
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  • Polar Animals
    Ready to learn about polar animals? We will take a trip in your imagination to the Arctic and Antarctic to learn about them. And the best part is that you will be back in tim…
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  • How Narwhals Came to Be
    A lonely whale finds love and friendship with a majestic unicorn, leading to the birth of narwhals.
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