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Paco teaches about Native American tribes from different regions, their languages, homes, and travel methods.
by tayyhodge

A brief overview of four Native American tribes, their locations, roles, and cultural practices. Includes math word problems related to the tribes.
by kibrown1

A description of the Mohawk tribe, their land, tools, food, house, customs, and language.
by Kyleeeeeee

A story about competitors who learn to be friends and teammates.

The Coahuiltecan Native American Tribe that lived in South-Central Texas...

Marty McFly uses a time machine to observe Lewis and Clark's expedition. He learns about their journey, encounters with Native American tribes, and the challenges they faced.
by emilye316

This story provides a detailed overview of various Native American tribes, their history, culture, and significant figures. It covers the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Navajo, Apache …
by bayougirl13

A Native American tribe called the Lakota's nation faces starvation, but two brave men encounter a mysterious woman who brings gifts and teachings to the community.
by anc1010

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