Natives Books

  • The Voyage of the Pilgrims
    Elizabeth Hopkins recounts her family's journey on the Mayflower to the New World, their struggles in Plymouth, and their friendship with Native Americans.
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  • The First Thanksgiving!
    The story of the Pilgrims' journey to America, their struggles in the new land, and their friendship with Native Americans.
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  • Christopher Columbus
    A brief history of Christopher Columbus and his journey to America, including the impact on Native Americans and the exchange of goods between Europe and America.
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  • Native American Tribes
    Paco teaches about Native American tribes from different regions, their languages, homes, and travel methods.
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  • Comanche Native Americans
    Ben gives a tour of the Comanche Indians, covering their food, lifestyle, history, and culture.
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  • Native American Tribes:
    A brief overview of four Native American tribes, their locations, roles, and cultural practices. Includes math word problems related to the tribes.
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    Novotroitsk is a small town in Ukraine. It was founded in 1816 and has a school, a church, and agricultural activities. Bila Tserkva is the largest town in Kyiv region with a…
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