Navajo Books

  • The Navajo Tribe
    An informative book about the Navajo tribe, covering their history, culture, traditions, and the forced relocation known as 'The Long Walk'.
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  • Unbreakable Code
    The story of the Navajo Code Talkers, who used their language to create an unbreakable code during World War II, changing the course of the war.
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  • The Navajo Code Talkers
    During WWII, the United States used Navajo language as an unbreakable code to win the war. The Navajo Code Talkers were honored for their bravery and skill.
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  • Navajo Culture
    This book provides a comprehensive overview of the Navajo Indians, their history, culture, and beliefs. It includes fictional journal entries, a short story about a tradition…
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    The Navajo Code Talkers played a crucial role in World War II by creating an unbreakable code using their native language, which helped the United States Army communicate sec…
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  • The Navajo
    A description of the Navajo people, their culture, and gender roles, as well as interesting facts about them.
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  • The Navajo's
    This book provides information about the Navajo people, their culture, clothing, and the impact of Europeans on their lives.
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  • The Navajo Origin Legend
    A creation myth about the origins of First Man and First Woman, told through a series of rituals performed by gods and mirage people.
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