Negativity Books

  • The Adventures of Joppa and Millo Story: Dry Crumbs
    Millo, a sparrow with a broken wing, meets Joppa the Ostrich and learns about friendship, faith, and letting go of negativity.
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  • The Love Story of Sodium and Bromine
    Sodium and Bromine, two atoms, exchange electrons and develop a bond. They learn that positivity and stability come from letting go of negativity.
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  • Brilliance, Beauty, and Beyond
    Looking at all of the BEAUTIFUL skies in the scenery around us has given me courage to leave the negativity behind. Enjoying life as it comes and being a part of the beauti…
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  • Tilly Wins the Race
    Tilly, a turtle, faces challenges and negativity while preparing for a school race. With determination and support, she overcomes obstacles and emerges as the winner, teachin…
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  • Courage Rising: Serenity's Triumph
    "Serenity's Triumph" is a heartwarming story about a girl who finally finds the courage to stand up to her bully after enduring torment, hurt, and insecurities about herself.
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  • Gifts for a Healing World: Poetry Celebrating Unity, Peace, and Kindness
    This book of poetry contains the thoughts and inspirations of 5th graders who want to make the world a better place.
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  • Social Media Negativity
    A discussion about the pros and cons of social media, highlighting issues such as fake friends, addiction, self-image problems, and cyberbullying.
  • Growing up
    Kesslyn does not want to grow up! with her upcoming birthday, will she manage to find the positives, or will she be stuck in negativity town?
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