Neil Armstrong Books

  • Puggy visits the Moon
    Chocolate-loving "Puggy" gets into mischief following his owner Neil Armstrong to work, and sneaking into the rocket that takes him all the way to the moon!
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  • Neil Armstrong
    The biography of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, his achievements, personal life, and impact on space exploration.
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  • Neil Armstrong: Man On The Moon
    The story of Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on the moon, from his childhood dreams of flying to his historic Apollo 11 mission.
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  • Neil Armstrong
    The story of Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, and his impact on space exploration and the United States.
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  • On the Moon with Concrete and Abstract Nouns
    This story introduces Neil Armstrong and his achievement of walking on the moon, while also teaching about concrete and abstract nouns.
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  • Neil Armstrong
    The story of Neil Armstrong, from his early life to his journey to the moon and the impact he had on space exploration.
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  • Neil Armstrong
    Neil, a boy who dreamed of being an astronaut, trained and went to space. He landed on the moon and said famous words.
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  • The story of the man on the moon
    The story of the Apollo 11 mission, where American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first men to walk on the moon.
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