Neurons Books

  • Dave and His Little Neuron Friends
    Dave gets lost on his way to a karate competition but is helped by three orange creatures who teach him about neurons.
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  • Jimmy Neuron
    Jimmy Neuron introduces his friends, the different parts of a neuron, and their functions.
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    Nino the neuron introduces himself and explains his functions, how he communicates with other neurons, and the teamwork involved in sending messages in the body.
  • The  Brain and Neurons
    An informational book about the parts and functions of the brain, as well as the types of neurons and lobes. It concludes by stating that the nervous system consists of the b…
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  • The Nervous System
    An informative book about the central nervous system, its components, and their functions.
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  • The Neurons
    A brief introduction to the evolution of humans and the functions of neurons.
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  • Nelly the Neuron's Amazing Odyssey
    Nelly the Neuron explains how neurons work in the body, helping us move, think, and feel through teamwork in the nervous system, and shares fun facts about their importance.
  • Brain during gymnastics, Emily's story
    Emily, a gymnast, prepares for a competition and performs her routines while explaining the role of different parts of her brain in her performance.
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