Neutrality Acts Books

  • American Neutrality Acts
    The story discusses the Neutrality Acts and their impact on US involvement in wars, with examples from Europe during WWII.
  • Facts about WW2
    A brief overview of key events and statistics from World War II, including the causes, major battles, and casualties.
  • WWII Interactive
    A brief overview of major events in World War II, including the Treaty of Versailles, rise of Hitler, US isolationism, Pearl Harbor, internment camps, and the atomic bombings…
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  • Cash and Carry
    The story explains the cash and carry policy during World War II and its impact on the United States and other countries.
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  • The President of The United States
    This book explores the different roles of the President, using Woodrow Wilson as an example. It covers his diplomatic, military, political, economic, and legislative responsi…
  • War of the Century!
    A brief overview of the events leading up to and during World War II, including the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler's rise to power, Pearl Harbor, and the use of atomic bombs.
  • Unit 3 Storybook
    A collection of historical events in the United States from 1787 to 1798, including the Constitution Convention, George Washington's election, and the Whiskey Rebellion.
  • U.S Involvement in World War 2
    A brief overview of America's isolationist policies and eventual involvement in World War 2.
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