Nirvana Books

  • Nirvana
    Firdaws, a young boy, learns about Buddhism and the concept of nirvana after his grandmother's death, which helps him cope with his grief and find peace.
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  • Bert the Buddhism Bear
    Bert learns about the origin of Buddhism, its basic beliefs, and how to follow the religion correctly.
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  • The Buddha's Pendant
    A teenage boy named Atom goes through the eightfold path in Buddhism to find his path and reach enlightenment and Nirvana.
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  • Nirvana Day
    I made this book for history class to inform children easier of Buddhism and a holiday associated with it
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  • Seeking Nirvana
    A young boy named Huan learns about Buddhism from his dying father, who guides him on a journey to seek nirvana.
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  • The history of kurt cobain
    A brief biography of Kurt Cobain, his early life, music career, and impact on the alternative rock scene.
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  • The Jetavana Grove, with Gotama
    Siddhartha and Govinda search for the Buddha's teachings but find them lacking. Siddhartha continues his own path to nirvana.
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