Nitrogen Books

  • Nitrogen Cycle
    Rose, a nitrogen atom, shares her journey from the atmosphere to Earth, where she becomes part of a bean plant and later a rabbit. She eventually returns to the atmosphere, r…
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  • Nitrogen
    A brief introduction to the element Nitrogen, including its properties, birth details, and importance in daily life.
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  • Nitrogen Cycle
    A story about the nitrogen cycle, featuring conversations between different elements and organisms involved in the process.
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  • Nancy the Nitrogen Molecule
    Nancy, a nitrogen molecule, goes on an adventure through the nitrogen cycle, making friends and experiencing different processes.
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  • The Journey of a Nitrogen Atom
    Two NO2 molecules meet and share their journeys of transformation from nitrogen atoms to nitrogen oxide molecules.
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  • The Nitrogen Cycle
    A monkey named George seeks help to convert his Nitrite into a usable form, learning about the nitrogen cycle along the way.
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  • The Nitrogen Adventure
    A story about the nitrogen cycle, explaining how ammonia and nitrate are formed and used by plants, with sheep as a part of the cycle.
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  • Nick Nitrogens Cycle
    Nick Nitrogen, a young member of the Nitrogen family, embarks on a journey to transform into different states of Nitrogen and learns valuable lessons along the way.
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