Non-living Things Books

  • Living and Nonliving Things at the Beach
    The book introduces the concept of living and nonliving things, providing examples and characteristics of each. It concludes by affirming that humans are living things.
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  • Living vs. Nonliving Things
    This book explains the characteristics of living and nonliving things, provides examples, and concludes with a positive message.
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  • Living and Nonliving Things
    The story explores the concepts of living and non-living things, using examples and simple explanations.
  • ABC's of living and non-living things
    An informative book introducing basic concepts about living and non-living things, their characteristics, and interdependence.
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  • Living things & Nonliving things
    An informative book explaining the properties of living and nonliving things, encouraging readers to observe their surroundings.
  • The Five Types of Ecosystems
    This informative book introduces different types of ecosystems, their characteristics, and the importance of maintaining a balance for the well-being of living organisms.
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  • The African savanna
    An informational book about the African savanna ecosystem, including its living and non-living components.
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  • The Arctic Authors and illustrators: Maria Paz Vera, Elias Tovar, Nikolai Lukin and Javier Sanmartí
    An introduction to the Arctic ecosystem, including its location, climate, and the living and non-living things found there.
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