Norman Books

  • Norman and the Wheat
    A young boy named Norman Borlaug experiments with wheat to create a shorter, sturdier plant that can withstand wind and produce more grain. His success leads him to become a …
    Norman, a mischievous and lovable cat, brings chaos and joy to his adopted family's life.
  • The Adventures of Normal Norman
    Life with Norman is anything but normal. His big heart and passion for adventure gets him into all kinds of trouble! Based on the real life antics of Zane, Norman is the pe…
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  • La Vida Ficticia de Norman
    Cuando Norman era un niño pequeño, sus padres trabajaban todos los días y ganaban el salario mínimo. A su hijo, Norman, siempre le encanta comer una dona, pero solo puede com…
  • Staying Healthy in School By: Mekia Norman
    A guide for children on how to stay safe at school during the COVID-19 pandemic, with tips on handwashing, social distancing, and mask-wearing.
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  • All About Ants
    An informative story about ants, their social structure, behavior, and abilities.
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  • Norman
    Norman is a basset hound. He loves his family, but he gets tired of being ignored in favor of their cell phones, so he resolves to hide the phones. Will it be the comfy couch…
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  • The Stranger Norman Whitney
    The villagers of Woodend are excited about the opening of a new shop. There is a debate about whether they need it or not, but eventually everyone agrees and supports the sho…
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