Odd Jobs Books

  • Things Grownups Think Kids Don't Know
    As an adult someday planning to start my own family, I think frequently about how my brother and I grew up as children. Our parents did some of the funniest things that were …
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    Mr.Singh is an immigrant from India who strikes up a friendship with a kid named Alex and his friends. As his friends start getting older, they begin to act disrespectful tow…
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  • My accident
    This book is about a girl who is telling her story about her little 'accident' please read my book and enjoy thank you!
    Liam, a determined teenager, saves money for months to buy a camera for his photography hobby. He takes on odd jobs and sells his photos online to reach his goal.
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  • Ryan Reinolds Biography
    This book provides a biography of actor Ryan Reynolds, from his early life and career to his success in Hollywood and personal life.
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  • A Cake for Mama
    Mario wants to surprise his mother with a birthday cake but doesn't have enough money. He takes on odd jobs to earn the remaining amount.
  • Cappie, the Salty Dog
    This is a non-fiction fourth grade level book about our rescued Chocolate Lab, Cappie. It encompasses only her first year. Due to limits in pages this is a shortened version …
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  • WHY ME?
    Things have been very different for the world in 2020. Even Halloween has been affected. Louis is disappointed after a unsuccessful night of trick-or-treating. To make matter…
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