Odyssey Books

  • The Odyssey: For Kids
    The story follows Odysseus's adventures as he encounters one-eyed giants, sea monsters, and navigates his way back home.
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  • Super Mario Odyssey
    Super Mario reflects on the challenges and joys of being a hero, fighting enemies, and saving Princess Peach.
  • The Odyssey Kid's Edition: Book 1
    More understandable and shortened version of Homer's epic "The Odyssey"
    This was a school assignment... Mrs. Kizziah, if you're reading this, I swear this took like 5 hou…
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  • The Odyssey: As We See It
    The Odyssey is no longer just for English Class. This is a parody of Book Nine of the Odyssey: The Cyclops Scene. Easy to understand and humorous, it's a great read if you wa…
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  • Super Mario Odyssey
    A guide to playing Super Mario Odyssey, including controls, storyline, health restoration, monsters, and kingdoms.
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  • Odysseus as an Epic Hero
    A brief overview of the character Odysseus and his heroic qualities in Homer's epic poem, the Odyssey.
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  • Citizen's Odyssey
    Elena and David, curious about citizenship, find a glowing stone that transports them to Ancient Greece, where they seek to understand what it meant to be a citizen.
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  • The Odyssey
    The epic journey of Odysseus and his crew as they face various challenges, including the cyclops, Circe, sirens, Charybdis, and Scylla, before finally returning home to Ithac…
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