Oppression Books

  • The Legend of Robin Hood
    The legend of Robin Hood, a hero who defends the poor from the rich and powerful in Sherwood Forest.
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  • Diary of A Slave: Middle Passage Entries
    Betsey, a teenage girl from Africa, is captured by white men and forced onto a slave ship. She endures the horrific conditions and separation from her sister as she begins a …
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  • African American Oppression
    A kid friendly short history of African American Oppression. I created this book to set a foundation for learning about the great heroes we celebrate during black history mon…
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  • The Hunger Games
    In a dystopian future, Katniss volunteers for the Hunger Games to save her sister. She forms an alliance with Peeta and they navigate the deadly arena together.
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  • Standing Together
    A quick story of how to together we can create a more equitable world.
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  • Falling Kingdoms
    Grace, a princess, fights for her right to education in the face of an oppressive king. Based on Malala Yousafzai's story.
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  • The Hunger Games Series
    The story follows Katniss Everdeen, a girl who volunteers for a deadly game to protect her sister. Alongside Peeta Mallark, they navigate the treacherous arena while facing o…
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  • The Freedom of the Cats
    Cats overcoming the rule of a particularly tyrannical pack of dogs.
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