Orthodox Christianity Books

  • Easter in Russia
    This story provides information about how Easter is celebrated in Russia, including its traditions, customs, and significance.
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  • Celebrations Around the World
    Discover celebrations around the world. How many do you know? How many do you celebrate?
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  • Byzantine Empire Story Book
    A brief overview of the Byzantine Empire, including its history, rulers, cultural diffusion, religion, and decline.
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  • Greece
    An informative book about Greece, covering its geography, national symbols, cuisine, and the significance of the Classical Period.
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  • Byzantine Empire
    A brief history of the Byzantine Empire, including its cities, rulers, and influence on early Russians.
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  • The World's Religion Storybook Project
    Amy visits her friend Debbie's house where they learn about different religions from various adults. They discuss Christianity, Hinduism, and the Yoruba religion, each with t…
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  • World Religions
    This is an informative text about the origins, beliefs, and holy writings of six major religions: Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Confucianism. It inclu…
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    A brief overview of the Byzantine Empire, its rulers, influence, and decline.
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