Pascaline Books

  • Imaginary interview with Blaise Pascal
    A conversation with Blaise Pascal, discussing his interest in physics and mathematics, the creation of the Pascaline calculator, his thoughts on philosophy, and advice for te…
  • Imaginary interview with Blaise Pascal
    An interview with mathematician and physicist Blaise Pascal, discussing his background, career, and contributions to mathematics and physics.
  • Sequences! Series! Permutations!
    A math book covering sequences, series, permutations, combinations, and Pascal's Triangle.
  • Blaise Pascal Biography
    This is a biography of Blaise Pascal, a French philosopher, scientist, mathematician, and theologian. It covers his early education, mathematical discoveries, scientific cont…
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  • Interview with Blaise Pascal
    A group of people interview Mr. Pascal, a mathematician and inventor, asking him about his interests, inventions, influences, and advice for aspiring mathematicians and scien…
  • An interview with Blaise Pascal
    A brief biography of Blaise Pascal, his contributions in mathematics, physics, philosophy, and theology.
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