Past Activities Books

  • When I was young I used to ............
    A series of questions and prompts about past activities, translations, and a hypothetical scenario about choosing a famous family member.
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  • Blood and Sand
    Sgt. Marshall, a war veteran, returns home from Iraq to find his wife in bed with another man. Haunted by the horrors of war and his personal life, he spirals into despair.
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  • Journey to the Past
    Professor Vandoran, a time-traveling scientist, embarks on an adventure to the Ice Age and Cretaceous periods to bring back extinct species for a museum exhibit. He is accomp…
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    When I was in Grade 7 I used to doodle when I got bored. I created a character called 'Moldy Marvin' during science class one day. In this story, Ryan has a big science test …
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  • Al's Scientific Sensation
    Al, a new student, faces challenges at his new school but proves himself with his talent for robotics.
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  • Medina City Schools Operation Gratitude: Kindness Quarantine
    The story is a compilation of various acts of kindness performed by children during the quarantine period. It includes making art, writing letters, helping neighbors, and exp…
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  • Celebrations Around the World
    Discover celebrations around the world. How many do you know? How many do you celebrate?
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  • The World On Pause
    Kenny shares his experiences during the pandemic, including staying home, online school, his mom being a nurse, and finding ways to have fun.
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