Peacock Spider Books

  • Peacock Spiders
    An informational book about the peacock spider, including its classification, characteristics, habitat, and ecosystem.
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  • The Peacock and the Fox
    A vain peacock is tricked by a cunning fox and loses her colorful feathers, teaching her a lesson in humility.
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  • Waldo Gets Lost in the Rain Forest
    Waldo gets lost in a rainforest and learns about abiotic and biotic factors. He encounters various organisms and ecosystems.
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  • ABC's of Animals You've Never Heard Of
    This ABC's book teaches you about animals that you probably didn't know existed. They may live on the other side of the Earth, or right next door to you. Whatever the case, w…
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  • Invertebrates
    A list of various shellfish species with their scientific names and classifications.
    What's that strange island called? Find out in this book!
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  • Animals-our partners on Earth
    A collection of poems written by Italian students about various animals and their characteristics.
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  • Classification Of Animals
    A class goes on a field trip to the zoo and learns about different animal classifications, including amphibians, birds, fish, reptiles, invertebrates, and mammals.
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