Peacocks Books

    A bedtime story about the animals at the zoo after the sun starts to set. The rhyme was written by an expectant father for his unborn baby daughter.
    Eye Icon 147211
    Star Icon 1867
  • How Pigs Got Their Curly Tails
    A funny twist on how pigs came to get their cute little curly tails.
    Eye Icon 27698
    Star Icon 990
  • The Rainbow Peacock
    A beautiful peacock is shunned by others until he learns the value of giving and finds happiness.
    Eye Icon 2630
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  • Jacqueline & The Beanstalk
    A retelling of the classic tale of Jack and the Bean-Stalk with a kind young heroine named Jacqueline. After Jacqueline's mother becomes ill, a chance encounter with a beggar…
    Eye Icon 8877
    Star Icon 401
  • Rosalie and the Magic Crown
    Rosalie, a little girl, finds a magic crown and becomes a peacock. She realizes being herself is best and returns to human form.
    Eye Icon 82
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  • A Very Interesting And Unique Peacock
    Sister Peacock, the only white peacock in her family, learns to embrace her uniqueness and celebrate diversity.
    Eye Icon 26
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  • How the Peacock got its Feathers
    A homely peacock seeks advice from other birds on how to gain colorful feathers to impress his beloved, only to learn that true beauty comes from within.
    Eye Icon 377
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