Peregrine Falcons Books

  • The Peregrine falcon
    This is an educational book about peregrine falcons. Written by Lorna O Duibhir.
  • Fun Facts About The Peregrine Falcon
    Interesting facts about how the Peregrine Falcon lives in the wild.
  • Osprey. V.S peregrine falcon.
    What would happen if a peregrine falcon came face to face with a osprey read to find out facts and a fun story.
  • Perry the Peregrine Falcon
    A peregrine falcon named Perry loses his nest and eggs due to a farmer's ignorance. The farmer realizes his mistake and builds new nests for Perry, leading to a happy ending.
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  • The Soccerbread Boy
    A young boy and his family chase a Soccerbread Boy through various adventures, encountering obstacles along the way.
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  • Winnie the Pooh Ate Too Much Honey
    Sparky the ice dragon, Bangaboo the lemur, and Peri the peregrine falcon go on a rocket ship adventure, crashing twice, meeting Winnie the Pooh, and exploring flowers.
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  • Facts About Pit Vipers
    A young author provides information about pit vipers, including their habitats, food, predators, appearance, special features, and some facts about them.
  • The Falcon
    Jake and Jackson find an injured peregrine falcon, take it home, and later witness its release back into the wild.
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