Period Books

  • Medina City Schools Operation Gratitude: Kindness Quarantine
    The story is a compilation of various acts of kindness performed by children during the quarantine period. It includes making art, writing letters, helping neighbors, and exp…
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  • You Can't Be an Astronaut, It's Just Not Realistic
    A boys journey to learn that being an astronaut, just isn't realistic.

    By: Matt Youngen
    Period 6
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  • A Treasury Of Short Poems
    Inside this book of poetry contains some of Darcey McNamara's best poems from the Covid-19 period to date. Enjoy with a cup of hot chocolate and prepare to be blown away!!
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  • Normalize Periods
    This is a book about a shy girl named Thandeka. She has her first period while in class and is ashamed to tell anyone about it. This is until a classmate of hers name Miles t…
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  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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    An overview of the Baroque period in art and music, including its characteristics and major forms.
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  • Journey to the Past
    Professor Vandoran, a time-traveling scientist, embarks on an adventure to the Ice Age and Cretaceous periods to bring back extinct species for a museum exhibit. He is accomp…
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  • How many dinosaurs do you know that begin with the letter "M"?
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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