Permeability Books

  • water cycle
    This story explains the different processes of the water cycle and the various forms of water on Earth.
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  • Water beneath the surface
    An informational text about different geological features and processes, such as the zone of aeration, hot springs, wells, caverns, and karst technology.
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  • Water Beneath The Surface
    This book provides definitions and explanations of various geological terms related to groundwater, such as zones of aeration and saturation, porosity, permeability, springs,…
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  • ABC's of Cells
    An informative book about the different parts of a cell and their functions.
  • Aromatic Plants of our School
    Here we present our aromatic plants, their characteristics, how they are used and their origin. We also present the identification made in the Tinkercad programme and the 3D …
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  • Captain Watershed: Rise out of Water
    superhero made from water that helps to save the water sheds
  • My Future
    The story is about a person who has two career options: becoming a pilot in the Aviation Bolivariana of Venezuela or studying Architecture at the Central University of Venezu…
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  • The Soil Monster
    Jim, a warrior, defeats the soil monster with the help of his friends. The story explores the composition and properties of different types of soil.
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