Phoenicians Books

    The Phoenicians were an ancient civilization from modern-day Lebanon. They were skilled navigators, inventors, and traders. They worshipped multiple gods and had important ci…
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  • Seafaring Traders
    This book provides a brief overview of the Minoans, Phoenicians, and ancient trade routes, highlighting their achievements and connections.
  • Sebastian the snail and his sneaky escape!
    Sebastian the snail and his friends get caught by Phoenician traders, but they escape and learn about trade and peace in ancient times.
  • The Start of Civilization
    A travel through time that tells interesting facts about time beginning with the Paleolithic time period all the way up to the ancient Phoenicians.
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  • Seafaring Traders
    The story discusses the peaceful Minoans, King Minos and the Minotaur, the rise of the Phoenicians, their trade routes, shipbuilding skills, and ancient trade.
  • Dinero's History Of Money Project!
    The book Dinero's smart money owl is going to spread awareness and knowledge on how kids could learn about how money really worked then and how money works now. When they fi…
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  • Enduring Impacts of Ancient Greece
    This book is about the enduring impacts of ancient Greece to the modern world.
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  • All About Lebanon
    A student forgets to study for a test on Lebanon but receives help from a knowledgeable friend who provides information about Lebanon's geography, climate, agriculture, popul…
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