Plant Cell Books

  • Plant Cell
    A description of various parts of a plant cell and their functions, using analogies to everyday objects.
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  • Plant Cells with Lady Cat.
    It is based off of beyblade burst and Demon king. Cat is a friend of Shu's, Valt's, Akira's, and Santoku's. Cat is really smart.
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  • A Plant Cell Is Like A Castle
    A knight describes the different parts of a castle using analogies to cell components.
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    A brief description of different parts of a plant cell and their comparisons to everyday objects.
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  • Plant Cell Analogy Project: The Computer
    A comparison of cell organelles to computer components, highlighting their functions and importance.
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  • Exploring Animal and Plant Cells
    An introduction to animal and plant cells, their parts, and functions.
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  • Journey Through A Plant Cell
    A water droplet takes a journey through a cell, encountering various organelles and learning about their functions.
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  • Plant Cell Structures and Functions
    This story explains the functions of various cell organelles and compares them to everyday objects. It provides clear and accurate information in an engaging way.
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