Playwright Books

  • The life and writings of Sophocles
    The story of Sophocles, a famous Greek playwright and statesman, known for his plays and contributions to Athens.
  • William Shakespeare
    This is a biography of William Shakespeare, covering his birth, education, marriage, children, career, and death.
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  • Arthur Miller
    The biography of Arthur Miller, a renowned American playwright, known for his works like 'Death of a Salesman' and 'The Crucible'. It covers his early life, career, and the c…
  • The Moon is a Balloon by playwright8
    A whimsical exploration of the moon, comparing it to various objects, inviting readers to see it through their own imaginative lens before sleep.
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  • William Shakespeare (23 April 1564-23 April 1616) renowned English poet, playwright, and actor
    This book provides an introduction to the life and works of William Shakespeare, including his family, his plays, and his death.
  • Eulalie Spence
    The story follows the life of Eulalie Spence, a talented playwright from Nevis who moved to Harlem during the Harlem Renaissance.
    A cop who is also a playwright writes a play and casts Lego characters. The play is about Mr. Corn on the Cob and Mr. Pirate. Mr. Corn gets eaten by Mr. Pirate, and the play …
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  • Georgia Douglass Johnson
    The story of Georgia Douglas Johnson, an African-American poet and playwright who played a significant role in the Harlem Renaissance.
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