Pneumonia Books

  • When I was sick
    It's about the unpleasant experience, I went through while receiving medicine via my vain.
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  • Oh no, Timmy has Pneumonia!
    Timmy gets sick with pneumonia after his friend Bobby accidentally coughs on him. He goes to the doctor and learns about the disease and how to prevent it.
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  • Pneumonia
    An informational book about pneumonia, its symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, and potential complications.
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  • Infectious vs. Non- infectious Disease and Ex
    The story provides information about diseases, the immune system, pneumonia, and lung cancer.
  • The
    The story of Stephen F. Austin, a key figure in Texas history, from his birth to his impact on the state's development and independence.
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  • Leo's Rescue
    Leo is a lonely guinea pig who wants a friend. He finally meets a little girl who loves him very much. Could Leo have finally found his forever home?
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  • Lottie Isabel Blake
    The inspiring life of Lottie Isabel Blake, the first African American Seventh Day Adventist physician, missionary, and educator.
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  • Respiratory System
    This book provides an overview of the respiratory system and discusses two common respiratory conditions, asthma and pneumonia, including their symptoms and treatments.
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