Polyglot Books

  • The Penguin with a Dream
    Stuart, a baby penguin with dystrophies in his wings, believes he can fly. After meeting a polyglot polar bear and a magical peacock, Stuart gains the ability to fly and teac…
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  • The legend of coffee
    The story of Yurii Kulchytskii, a polyglot who learned Ottoman language and traditions while in captivity, and later founded a famous coffee shop in Vienna.
  • My Special Ability
    Gabriela Buruca shares her special ability in baking desserts, how she learned it, and how it changed her life. She also expresses her desire to become a polyglot.
  • Think Before You Speak
    In a forest, an amicable group of primates gets along except for Fred, who lacks tact. Fred's megalomania leads to conflict at a town hall meeting, resulting in his banishmen…
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  • Mathematics Is All Around Us: Celebrating Great Local Mathematicians
    This book celebrates local mathematicians from various countries, highlighting their contributions to mathematics and education, and inspiring future generations.
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  • The sheperd's boy and the wolf
    A shepherd's boy plays a trick on the villagers by pretending there is a wolf, but when a real wolf appears, they don't believe him. The story teaches the lesson that liars a…
  • My special ability
    A young artist shares their journey of learning to paint and the impact it has had on their life. They also express a desire to learn a new language for travel and career opp…
  • The story of Stories
    A retelling of Little Red Riding Hood with unexpected twists and turns, including the appearance of three hogs and multilingual bears.
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