Pool Management Books

  • Mary Jackson: A Biography
    The biography of Mary Jackson, an African American mathematician and engineer who overcame segregation to become NASA's first African American female aeronautical engineer.
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  • Ms. Fink's Swim through Reading
    Ms. Fink, a passionate reader, becomes an English teacher and shares her love for books with her students.
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  • My Flat Friend Mariposa
    A girl named Mariposa visits from China and goes on a trip to Disneyland, Jamaica, and the Grand Canyon with her friend. They learn about the places and have new experiences.
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    This story discusses various scientific fields such as particle physics, meteorology, space psychology, cyber security, commercial management, and astrobiology. It provides b…
  • Work Blog In English
    Blog de trabajo en ingles, Gerencia del Talento Humano
  • Ben's Big Breath
    Ben loves recess but worries about his asthma. With help from Mrs. Puff and his inhaler, he learns to manage his condition and enjoys playing with friends again.
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  • ''Jane Eyre''
    Jane Eyre, an orphaned girl, faces mistreatment from her aunt and cousins. She is sent to a strict school where she excels. As a governess, she falls in love with Mr. Rochest…
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    La Alhambra and Ephesus are UNESCO sites, showcasing rich history and architecture, attracting millions of tourists for their cultural significance.
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